Journey Guides
The Journey Begins & The Journey Continues
(9-Session or 12-Session Guidebooks)
About the Journey Guides:
Twelve-session or nine-session Journey Guides walk small group participants through past significant life events, their current strategies for coping and beliefs about their faith, sexuality, and their future hopes. The Journey Begins curriculum serves as the starting point for all participants. The Journey Continues is intended for returning participants and builds upon previous sessions but expands into topics such as Brokenness, Addiction, and Redemption. Journey Leader Guides include additional teaching tips, small group questions and information specific to running each lesson with a group.
Not sure yet?
One of the most common questions we receive is "do you offer a 9-session guide or a 12-session guide?" For a majority of Open Hearts history, we offered only a 12-session guide. For a few years, we offered only a 9-session guide. Now, we offer both. So, how do you choose between the 9 or the 12?
The 12-session guide is used at The Journey at Maranatha. If you are looking for consistency of flow with what is taught there session by session, this is a great choice.
The 9-session guide* was created in part due to the fact many churches offer quarterly groups and doing 9-weeks of sessions fit well into that schedule.
To see the chapter breakdowns, refer to the images to the left. For comparison here, you may see the differences in content.
*Helpful information on the Journey Begins 9-session version: The materials for Nehemiah lesson (session 3 in the 12-session) is largely in the appendix for session 2. Disappointment (session 11 in the 12-session) is the appendix in session 9. Relational styles are rooted in Dan Allender’s book The Wounded Heart.